Trommel Screens


OKAY trommel screens are often the primary screen in a sorting plant and are designed to separate the small fraction, or fines, from other materials. This makes onward processing of the separated fractions much simpler and therefore cost-effective.

The trommel screen will screen at the size at which the holes in the trommel drum are set.  This size can vary greatly depending on the customer’s operation, waste stream, volume of material and required product specification.

The fines typically removed by the trommel screen are often between 15mm to 60mm.

In larger applications, the trommel can have a three-way sort, with two sections along the drum each with a different set of hole sizes.  In this way, a trommel can sort a fines fraction and a mid-size over the drum section with an oversize fraction passing along the drum as the third material.

All OKAY trommels are designed with maximum efficiency, throughput and serviceability in mind and work 24/7 to match customer demands.


  • Waste and recycling
  • MRFs
  • C&D and Skip waste
  • Fuel Preparation
  • Fines clean-up


  • Two or three-way screening
  • Any hole size
  • Any drum size
  • Any throughput
  • 24/7 operation
Trommel Screens | Waste Recycling Machinery | OKAY
Trommel Screens | Waste Recycling Technology
Trommel Screens | Waste Recycling Technology Manufacturers
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Trommel Screens

For more information on Trommel Screens, call +44 (0)1536 765010 or email